
Tide predictions for locations around the globe (*)

Linking to Tides.Info is free and easy. There are three options that make it easy to integrate into your web site:

Link Only You can just link to our web site by linking to the URL http://www.tides.info, or using the following HTML code:
<A HREF="http://www.tides.info">Tides.Info: Tide Predictions From Around the Globe</A>
Tides for a specific location To link directly to tides for Castle Hill, west of, East Passage, Rhode Island Current (15d), you can link to the URL
or by using the following HTML:
<A HREF="http://www.tides.info/?command=view&location=Castle%20Hill%2C%20west%20of%2C%20East%20Passage%2C%20Rhode%20Island%20Current%20%2815d%29">
Tides.Info: Tide Predictions for Castle Hill, west of, East Passage, Rhode Island Current (15d)</A>
Tide search form Additionally, you can build a tide search box directly into your web site, using the following HTML:

Pre-filled for Castle Hill, west of, East Passage, Rhode Island Current (15d):

<TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER">Tide Predictions from <A HREF="http://www.tides.info">
Tides.Info</A></TD></TR> <TR><TD>
<form METHOD="GET" ACTION="http://www.tides.info/">
<input TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="command" VALUE="view">
<p>Enter the name of the location for which you would like
a tide chart: <br><b>Location:</b>
<input TYPE="text" NAME="location" SIZE="30" VALUE="Castle Hill, west of, East Passage, Rhode Island Current (15d)">
<input TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Show Tides"></form></TD></TR></TABLE>

Blank Search Box:
<TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER">Tide Predictions from <A HREF="http://www.tides.info">
Tides.Info</A></TD></TR> <TR><TD>
<form METHOD="GET" ACTION="http://www.tides.info/">
<input TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="command" VALUE="view">
<p>Enter the name of the location for which you would like
a tide chart: <br><b>Location:</b>
<input TYPE="text" NAME="location" SIZE="30">
<input TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Show Tides"></form></TD></TR></TABLE>
Return to Tide Predictions for Castle Hill, west of, East Passage, Rhode Island Current (15d)


The information generated by this program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. We assume no liability for damages arising from the use of this information.


Web software and all photos Copyright © Ryan Brown, Catalina Consulting, 1995-2009. All rights reserved. Photos may not be used without permission. Xtide software for UNIX, Copyright © 1998 David Flater used for tide predictions, under GNU Public License.